Monday, 2 February 2015

Filming schedule//Location updates/Reflecting of filming(43)

26th of January.
The first day of filming, we've discovered the music room, that has a studio in our college, which we have assess to(with permission of course). So ,we have managed to get into the room and do some filming in there. It was really fun and cool to actually try out the equipment in there, as well as appreciating that we are allow to use that room. We shot a scene of the character "Samantha" walking towards the studio(this is the scene where she's about to have a meeting with the mentor). This was done by the camera being hand-held. Baring in mind that it would probably make our title sequence seem a bit amateur like  We then improvised and decided to take a shot of her actually footsteps, as we though it will add to the anticipation of what's to await(as she's not sure as to why she's been sent to this room). We also improvised and took a shot of her walking from her point of view, to give insight of what the character can see, as well as adding to the anticipation. We also took a medium wide shot of Samantha walking into the room opening the door, using the match-cut technique to show her going from outside the room, to inside the room. After that, we stopped filming, as we didn't have any more time, as well as the fact that we didn't have costume to really go on to do more.

29th of January.
We tried to get the scene of the last shot of our film, but at this point was unsuccessful. This was down to the fact that we had to rearrange our plan in terms of getting this shot. As we was left to try and find a suitable stage-like room. We did manage to ask around the drama department to see if they could somehow let us use the drama rooms or assembly hall. But that wasn't able to work, as its a very busy time of the year for that department, as it's getting closer and closer to exams, so it's non-stop rehearsals. However, they did say that, if and when its free, we will be allow to use it, and to keep them informed if we still need the room. So hopefully by the end of this week, we can hopefully get this scene done.

31st of January.
We aimed to film in green lanes and Finsbury Park. But it wasn't exactly the most of productive days, as there was issues with the weather, as well as the bad knew of the death of our friend(which was on the news). Causing issues with the qualify for work we got done, as well as us not being able to focus. However, we managed to get one shot of the character "Jasmine" which was a reaction shot in relation to the attack of the main character, even that was hard to do in the rain, baring in mind we have to keep the equipment dry and our own well-being because of the slippery mud etc.

1st February.
We managed to get the shot of the character "Samantha" where she's in her home, getting ready to leave leave her house. It was quite successful but will probably need to be re-shot just to be on the save side. However, its not bad, so once we get all the footage done, we might choose to use it, or to redo it.

2nd of February.
We managed to get a lot of shots done. It was a very productive day. We're honestly surprised as to how much we got done. Considering it was cold and all. But it was worth it.The shots we managed to get are consisting of the characters "Jasmine/Monique/Samantha" and the build up of the attack. As well as we taking the shot of Monique reaction shot that we took during the weekend. Because of this, we have changed the location of our film from Finsbury Park, to the local park near to our college, as its easier for us to get there between lessons and its a good alternative. It has a lot of greenery and its pretty much a smaller version of Finsbury Park.

20st of February.
This was during the half term break, on a Friday, we came together to re-film all of the outside shots of our title sequence. Because of how we noticed that all our shots were tilted and there was no way of rotating or fixing it. So we pretty much were back to stage one. However, because of that step back. We managed to get so much done. We spent about 2 hours(12pm-2ish pm) filming. Managing to re-shoot the attack scene, as well as improvising shots that we could use to put into out sequence as fillers, to take up some space. Surprisingly, we also managed to get accurate shots, none of them turned out tilted. So all in all it was a productive day for us. Considering the issues with Esther's condition after having an operation the week before. This is the day, we decided to change locations once again, to one of the estates in Haringey Green Lanes. To make our title sequence come across as realistic and "hood" like. As you have the little park, the flats and buildings, the greenery etc.

22nd of February.
We initially planned to film that day, but it wasn't needed, because of what we managed to film on the Friday before. So therefore we cancelled the filming session. But if we were to film on that day, it would have been back in the Haringey Green Lanes Estate, just to get more improvised shots that we could may be use in our title sequence.

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