Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Editing our title sequence



Today we are putting together the first few shots of our title sequence. At the start we have included the institutional credits of the film and distribution companies in order for our sequence to have the conventions of movie title sequences. After the institutional features we have included our establishing shot of the estate where the most action takes place. The establishing shot consists of a pan which is then cut after a few seconds and followed by the very first shot of two of the main characters - Monique and Jasmine. The transitions between these shots are fade outs in order to add a bit of suspense and enigma. We aim on putting together most of the shots and transitions now and then adding sound once the whole title sequence has been put together. 

In order to show that the first part of our sequence is a flashback we will make it black and white by adjusting the saturation of the scenes in Final Cut Pro. In contrast the present scenes will be in colour.

Taken By Imaani

Taken By Imaani


We aim to film during the week in order to have more content and explore the plot more.



Today, we planned to continue with editing the title sequence. But there were issues with the turn out, as 2 of the group members couldn't attend for reasons they explained, yet only I showed up and spent 3 hours editing alone. But never the less it was productive, as I managed to finally import music into the title sequence, as well as add in other credits to the title sequence. However, because I didn't change the format of the music from mp3 to a format that works efficiently with final cut pro, because I noticed that there were issues with trying to make smooth transitions with them, so I will get that sorted tomorrow. As well as trying to fill in the bits with no audio, that could possibly match with the backing tracks. However, I noticed that I still need to work on some of the transitions of the shots, to get them smooth. In terms of editing though, it's like a back and forth process, as depending of what shots or where you place them and the music, it can jumble the order of the title sequence, which consumes so much time in trying to get the order back in the place. Hence why tomorrow will be used to also re-arrange the order of the title sequence to get the sequence to it's correct position.


During our first editing stages , we had problems with the shot that we had filmed because they were slanted  .Due to this we had reshot many of our scenes resulting in our editing having to be postponed . the day we planned to reshoot everything , was very productive . but we had decided that more scenes still had to be filmed because we dint think we had enough . however this resulted in a longer prolonging of the editing , which was not needed because we never used the added scenes because we realised that this was a title sequence not a trailer . we had many productive editing stages after that with the whole group , and many with only a few of us . which Esther doing allot of the editing as she had the most experience , with input given from Imaani on how to change it and make it better. 

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